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Quadtech / IET GUARDIAN 6000

Manufacturer Quadtech
Model /
Product Electrical Safety Analyser


Quadtech / IET GUARDIAN 6100 PLUS

Quadtech / IET GUARDIAN 6100 PLUS



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The Quadtech Guardian 6000 Electrical Safety Analyser performs AC and DC hipot (hy-pot), insulation resistance, ground bond (continuity) measurements for a complete dielectric testing solution. A fully automated tester, the Quadtech Guardian 6000 performs both high voltage electrical safety tests including dielectric withstand and dielectric breakdown and high cur ground bond tests in accordance with the requirements of UL 60950 and other product safety compliance standards.The Guardian 6000 AC Hipot Tester performs AC dielectric testing (hipot)over the voltage range from 50V to 5000VAC RMS. The maximum leakage cur of 40mA RMS makes the Guardian 6000 ideal for testing devices with high leakage curs such as power supplies which have large filter or “Y” capacitors for noise reduction.The Guardian 6000 Insulation Resistance measurements are similar to a DC hipot but rather than displaying leakage cur, resistance is calculated and displayed. The insulation resistance can be measured over the range of 100kO to 50GO with test voltages from 50VDC to 1000VDC in 1V steps.The Guardian 6000 DC Hipot Tester voltage range for DC dielectric testing is 50V to 6000VDC with a resolution of 1V. The maximum cur leakage is 20mA which allows quick charging of capacitive devices. A quick discharge of the device when the measurement is complete, also minimizes test times. Leakage curs can be monitored down to 0.1µA.The Guardian 6000 Ground Bond provides up to 30A AC for ground bond testing. The test cur can be programmed from 1A to 30A in 0.1A steps. Hi cur limit, test time, frequency and open circuit no load voltage can all be programmed. The offset feature can automatically compensate for any lead resistance.The Guardian 6000 Leakage Cur A simulated line leakage test can be performed directly on the Guardian 6000. The simulation uses the recommended circuit for UL1950 and measures true RMS leakage cur. The test voltage applied can be varied over the range of 50V to 400VAC.Features of the Quadtech Guardian 6000 include:
  • Programmable output voltage to 5KV AC and 6KV DC
  • Ground Bond Testing to 30A AC with Adjustable Limit
  • Simulated Leakage Cur Measurement (UL1950)
  • Built-in 8 Channel Scanner Option
  • Programmable Ramp and Test Times
  • Storage of 99 Tests Setups with 99 Steps per Setup
  • Continuous Leakage Cur Monitoring
  • Trip Cur Programmable to 40mA AC and 20mA DC
  • Front Panel Lockout via Password
  • Standard IEEE and Remote Control Interfaces
  • Optional RS232 Interface
  • Insulation Resistance Measurements from 100kO to 50GO