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Yokogawa WT1600

Manufacturer Yokogawa
Model WT1600
Product Digital Power Meter


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YOKOGAWA WT1600 Power Meter (call for availability)The Yokogawa WT1600 Power Meter is designed for measurement of extremely small curs in energy-saving equipment, as well as measurement of large curs for evaluating large-sized loads. The WT1600 works with voltages ranging from 1.5 V up to 1000 V, supporting a wide range of applications. Because it can accept signal inputs for up to six phases, a signal WT1600 unit can measure I/O signals on inverters. Lead and lag are detected correctly when the voltage and cur signals are both sine waves, the lead and lag amplitude is greater than or equal to 50% (or 100% for crest factor 6) of the measurement range, the frequency is between 20 Hz to 1 kHz, and the phase angle is ±(5 to 175°) for 50 A input element.Features and Specifications of the Yokogawa WT1600 include:
  • Up to Six-Phase Input on One Unit. Synchronized Measurements Between Two Units
  • Wide Cur Input Ranges
  • Data Storing as Fast as 50 ms (20 Times per Second)
  • High Precision and Wide Bandwidth
  • Increased Assured-Accuracy Range for High-Precision Measurements
  • A Variety of Display Formats
  • Display Harmonic Data as Bar Graphs, Vectors, and Lists
  • Built-in Printer (Optional)
  • A Variety of Interfaces (Optional)
  • Basic Performance
  • Integration Function Capable of Handling Rapid Changes in Input Signal
  • Many other optional features
  • Other Yokogawa Power Meters:
  • Yokogawa WT210
  • Yokogawa WT230
  • Yokogawa WT500
  • Yokogawa WT1800
  • Yokogawa WT3000