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Tektronix MDO3034

Manufacturer Tektronix
Model MDO3034
Product 4 channel 350MHz Mixed Domain Oscilloscope


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Today's integrated designs need an oscilloscope that is just as integrated - such as the MDO3034 Mixed Domain Oscilloscope (MDO) Series. It is the ultimate 6-in-1 integrated oscilloscope that includes an integrated spectrum analyzer, arbitrary function generator, logic analyzer, protocol analyzer, and digital voltmeter/counter. The MDO3034 is completely customizable and fully upgradeable. Add the instruments and performance you need now - or later.

Key performance specifications:
  • Oscilloscope
    • 2 and 4 analog channel models
    • 1 GHz, 500 MHz, 350 MHz, 200 MHz, 100 MHz bandwidth models
    • Bandwidth is upgradable (up to 1 GHz)
    • Up to 5 GS/s sample rate
    • 10 M record length on all channels
    • >280,000 wfm/s maximum waveform capture rate
    • Standard passive voltage probes with 3.9 pF capacitive loading and 1 GHz, 500 MHz, or 250 MHz analog bandwidth

If you are looking for a new or well-maintained Tektronix MDO3034 mixed domain oscilloscope refurbished with warranty, contact us or request a quote today.