Keithley 2182A

Nanovoltmeter, 2 Ch.

Model: Keithley 2182A
Description: Nanovoltmeter, 2 Ch.
Data Sheet PDF: Keithley 2182A

The two-channel Keithley 2182A Nanovoltmeter is optimized for making stable, low noise voltage measurements and for characterizing low resistance materials and devices reliably and repeatably. It provides higher measurement speed and significantly better noise performance than alternative low voltage measurement solutions.The Keithley 2182A represents the next step forward in Keithley nanovoltmeter technology, replacing the original Model 2182 and offering enhanced capabilities including pulse capability, lower measurement noise, faster cur reversals, and a simplified delta mode for making resistance measurements in combination with a reversing cur source.Features and Specifications of the Keithley 2182A Nanovoltmeter include:

  • Make low noise measurements at high speeds, typically just 15nV p-p noise at 1s response time, 40-50nV p-p noise at 60ms
  • Delta mode coordinates measurements with a reversing cur source at up to 24Hz with 30nV p-p noise (typical) for one reading. Averages multiple readings for greater noise reduction
  • Synchronization to line provides 110dB NMRR and minimizes the effect of AC common-mode curs
  • Dual channels support measuring voltage, temperature, or the ratio of an unknown resistance to a reference resistor
  • Built-in thermocouple linearization and cold junction compensation
  • Flexible, Effective Speed/Noise Trade-offs:
    • Easy to choose the best speed/filter combination for a particular application’s response time and noise level requirements
    • The ability to select from a wide range of response times allows optimizing speed/noise trade-offs
    • Low noise levels are assured over a wide range of useful response times, e.g., 15nV p-p noise at 1s and 40-50nV p-p noise at 60ms are typical
  • Metrology Applications: 
    • Combines the accuracy of a digital multimeter with low noise at high speeds for high-precision metrology applications
    • Its low noise, high signal observation time, fast measurement rates, and 2ppm accuracy provide the most cost-effective meter available today for applications such as intercomparison of voltage standards and direct measurements of resistance standards
  • Nanotechnology Applications:
    • Combined with the Model 622X cur source or Series 2400 SourceMeter® instrument is a highly accurate and repeatable solution for measuring resistances on carbon nanotube based materials and silicon nanowires
  • Research Applications:
    • Its 1nV sensitivity, thermoelectric EMF cancellation, direct display of “true” voltage, ability to perform calculations, and high measurement speed makes it ideal for determining the characteristics of materials such as metals, low resistance filled plastics, and high and low temperature superconductors
  • Easy to choose the best speed/filter combination for a particular application’s response time and noise level requirements
  • The ability to select from a wide range of response times allows optimizing speed/noise trade-offs
  • Low noise levels are assured over a wide range of useful response times, e.g., 15nV p-p noise at 1s and 40-50nV p-p noise at 60ms are typical
  • Combines the accuracy of a digital multimeter with low noise at high speeds for high-precision metrology applications
  • Its low noise, high signal observation time, fast measurement rates, and 2ppm accuracy provide the most cost-effective meter available today for applications such as intercomparison of voltage standards and direct measurements of resistance standards
  • Combined with the Model 622X cur source or Series 2400 SourceMeter® instrument is a highly accurate and repeatable solution for measuring resistances on carbon nanotube based materials and silicon nanowires
  • Its 1nV sensitivity, thermoelectric EMF cancellation, direct display of “true” voltage, ability to perform calculations, and high measurement speed makes it ideal for determining the characteristics of materials such as metals, low resistance filled plastics, and high and low temperature superconductors


    Keithley 2182A Product Overview