Xantrex XFR600-4

Alimentazione CC monocanale da 600 V 4A 2,8KW

Modello: Xantrex XFR600-4
Descrizione: Alimentazione CC monocanale da 600 V 4A 2,8KW
Scheda dati PDF: Xantrex XFR600-4

Voltage: 0 to 600 VDC
Current: 0 to 4 A
Output Power: 2800 W
Output noise (0-20 MHz): 175 mVp-p
Output ripple (rms): Voltage 35 mV, Current 3 mA
Load regulation: Voltage (0.02% of Vmax + 5 mV) 15 mV, Current (0.02% of Imax + 5 mA)

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Xantrex XFR600-4 Product Overview

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