Keysight (Agilent) 8566B

Analizzatore di spettro, 100 Hz – 22 GHz

Modello: Keysight (Agilent) 8566B
Descrizione: Analizzatore di spettro, 100 Hz - 22 GHz
Scheda dati PDF: Keysight (Agilent) 8566B

The Agilent  8566B Spectrum Analyser features a frequency range of 100 Hz to 22 GHz. Used for bench-top or ATE use, the 8566B is still one of the highest performance Analysers in the industry even today. The HP 8566B remains suited for a range of applications, including EMC testing, broadband signal surveillance, and component stimulus-response testing. The exceptional stability of the Hewlett Packard 8566B allows measurements with a 10 Hz resolution bandwidth. The narrow resolution bandwidth yields sensitivities to 135 dBm. Multiple traces can be displayed to measure residual FM or drift, or to conduct real-time surveillance over a wide frequency range. By adding an HP-IB plotter, a hard copy of all information on the display of the Analyser can be made for analysis, documentation, or presentation. Plots can be produced directly or with the aid of a controller.     

Keysight Agilent

Keysight (Agilent) 8566B Product Overview