Acterna JDSU OLA-55

Attenuatore di livello ottico 1260 -1650nM 2 – 60dB.

Acterna JDSU OLA-55
Modello: Acterna JDSU OLA-55
Descrizione: Attenuatore di livello ottico 1260 -1650nM 2 - 60dB.
Scheda dati PDF: Acterna JDSU OLA-55

The JDSU OLA-55 is a Handheld Optical Level Attenuator operating from 1260 to 1650 nM. the OLA-55 has calibrated wavelengths of 1310, 1550, and 1625 nM. Variable attenuation range is 2 to 60 dB.

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Acterna JDSU OLA-55 Product Overview

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