Anritsu MS2711E

Spectrum Master, analizzatore di spettro da 100 kHz a 3 GHz

Modello: Anritsu MS2711E
Descrizione: Spectrum Master, analizzatore di spettro da 100 kHz a 3 GHz
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AnritsuMS2711EDesigned to handle the most punishing field conditions, the AnritsuMS2711E Spectrum Master Spectum Analyser allows you to monitor wireless systems easier than ever before. Measurements include received signal strength (RSSI), channel power, adjacent channel power ratio (APCR), and occupied bandwidth measurements that can confirm the distortion level or channel power level of an AMPS, TDMA, CDMA or GSM transmitter. Additionally, the MS2711E can locate and identify out-of-band spurious signals when analyzing a wireless base station transmitter, while the field strength mode allows users to measure propagation and coverage, or to pinpoint electromagnetic (EM) leakage in broadcast systems. Measurement of carrier to interference ratio is included.Features, Specifications and Highlights of the AnritsuMS2711E Spectrum Analyser include:

  • Measurements: Occupied Bandwidth, Channel Power, ACPR, C/I, Spectral Emission Mask
  • Interference Analyser: Spectrogram, Signal Strength, RSSI, Signal ID, Interference Mapping
  • Dynamic Range: > 85 dB in 100 Hz RBW
  • DANL: -142 dBm in 100 Hz RBW with preamp option 0008
  • Phase Noise: -90 dBc/Hz max @ 10 kHz offset at 1 GHz
  • Frequency Accuracy: < ±50 ppb with GPS On
  • pectrum Analyser: 9 kHz – 3 GHz
  • Interference Analyser with Interference Mapping
  • High Accuracy Power Meter
  • Channel Scanner, GPS, AM/FM/PM Analyser
  • Tracking Generator: 500 kHz – 3.0 GHz
  • Field-proven design: Three-hour battery life, rugged, compact, lightweight, daylight viewable display
  • Intuitive menu-driven touchscreen user interface
  • 6 Markers, limit lines and segmented limit lines
  • Automatic, manual, and dynamic attenuator control
  • Convenient operating procedures, high sensitivity, and excellent repeatability enable the AnritsuMS2711E to pinpoint the smallest system performance degradation and allow for easy verification of system compliance. This spectrum Analyser is an ideal solution for cellular providers, land mobile operators, and military spectrum analysis.Typical applications requiring the use of the AnritsuMS2711E include:

  • Interference Analysis of cellular system, land mobile radio systems, Wi-Fi
  • Transmitter Spectrum Analysis – occupied bandwidth, channel power, field strength, Adjacent Channel Power Ratio, AM/FM demod, Carrier-to-Interference Ratio
  • Received Signal strength (RSSI) – location and identification of in-band interference and out-of-band spurious signals; modulation identification, and spectral masks
  • Field Strength Measurements
  • Spectrum monitoring
  • Tracking Generator

    Anritsu MS2711E Product Overview