Wavetek 9100

Calibrateur multifonctions

Model: Wavetek 9100
Description: Calibrateur multifonctions
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Wavetek 9100 Product Overview

Le Wavetek 9100 est un calibrateur multifonction avec une ampleur et la profondeur des produits jamais disponibles ? partir d'une seule source d'?talonnage. En plus de tension DC et AC ? 1050V, variable R?sistance ? 400M Ohm et DC et AC courant 20A

Wavetek (Fluke) 9100 can be used to calibrate digital multimeters up to 8.5 digital and oscilloscopes with bandwidths up to 600MHz.
The Wavetek 9100 is capable of generating DC & AC voltages to 1050V, Resistance up to 400MΩ and DC & AC current up to 20A (1000A via the optional current coils). The Wavetek 9100 also delivers variable capacitance values up to 40mF.
With the addition of the two oscilloscope calibrater options, it can generate waveforms required to calibrate oscilloscopes up to 250 MHz or 600 MHz.
The 9100 can calibrates over 15 different categories of general-purpose test equipment including power meters, insulation testers and oscilloscopes. Automation is available through METCAL, streamlining the calibration process and allowing faster throughput.


Supplied with 50 turn Coil