Keysight (Agilent) N5172B-506

Générateur de signaux vectoriels EXG de 6 GHz, type N (f)

Modèle: Keysight (Agilent) N5172B-506
Description: Générateur de signaux vectoriels EXG de 6 GHz, type N (f)
Fiche technique PDF: Keysight (Agilent) N5172B-506

The N5172B-506 forms part of the X-Series of radio frequency vector signal generators from Keysight. The Keysight N5172B-506 is a powerful test equipment tool that comes fitted with a whole host of features. Here are some of the top features available on this Keysight vector signal generator.

Key Features & Specifications of the N5172B-506:

Signal characteristics

  • 9 kHz to 6 GHz
  • 21 dBm specified power to 3 GHz with electronic attenuator
  • < 900-us simultaneous switching of frequency, power, and waveform type
  • <0.4% EVM 80 MHz 802.11ac

Modulation and sweep

  • AM, FM, PhaseM, and narrow pulse
  • 10 MHz multifunction generator and LF out
  • Digital step and list sweep modes
  • l/Q modulation: ASK, FSK, MSK, PSK, QAM, custom I/Q

Baseband generation and signal creation

  • 120 MHz internal baseband generator ( /-0.2 dB flatness): arbitrary waveform and real-time I/Q
  • 512 Msample playback memory and 30 GB internal or 8 GB external, removable memory
  • Arbitrary and real-time signals: LTE, HSPA , WLAN, GNSS, DVB, and more
  • Multi-channel baseband generation with N5102A digital I/O, MIMO, and RF fading with PXB baseband generator and channel emulator

If you want the Keysight, formerly Agilent N5172B refurbished with warranty, request a quote today.

<= -73 dBc ACP W-CDMA 64 DPCH and

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Keysight (Agilent) N5172B-506 Product Overview

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