Keysight (Agilent) E8267C-520

Generador de señal de 250 kHz a 20 GHz CW, 3,5 mm (m)

Modelo: Keysight (Agilent) E8267C-520
Descripción: Generador de señal de 250 kHz a 20 GHz CW, 3,5 mm (m)
Hoja de datos PDF: Keysight (Agilent) E8267C-520

High power output, enhanced phase noise, superior level accuracy, ramp sweep with fast sweep rate, AM, FM, pulse modulation, internal modulation with sine, square, triangle, ramp and noise waveforms. Narrow pulse modulation (20 ns) down to 10 MHz, integrated microwave vector signal generator operating at up to 20 GHz, internal baseband generator achieves 80 MHz modulation bandwidth, external I/Q inputs achieves 160 MHz RF modulation bandwidth. Flexible waveform sequencing.

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Keysight (Agilent) E8267C-520 Product Overview

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