Teladyne LeCroy CP150

Stromsonde, 150A Spitzenpuls, 10 MHz

Modell: Teladyne LeCroy CP150
Beschreibung: Stromsonde, 150A Spitzenpuls, 10 MHz
Datenblatt PDF: Teladyne LeCroy CP150

Teledyne LeCroy CP150 The Teledyne LeCroy CP150 does not require the breaking of a circuit or the insertion of a shunt to make accurate and reliable cur measurements. Based on a combination of Hal effect and transformer technology, Teledyne LeCroy CP150 is ideal for making accurate AC, DC, and impulse cur measurements.The Teledyne LeCroy CP150 is powered through the Teledyne LeCroy ProBus® connection and require no additional hardware. Along with providing power, the ProBus connection allows the cur probe and Oscilloscope to communicate, resulting in cur waveforms automatically displayed on screen in Amps, and calculated power traces scaled correctly in Watts. This full integration also allows for Degauss and Autozero functions to be done directly from the Oscilloscope’s user interface.Teledyne LeCroy CP150 key features and specifications:

  • 10 MHz
  • AC/DC; 150 Arms; 500A peak Pulse

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